Going to Berlin

… till Friday. I’ll be speaking together with Jussi Angesleva at the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress, 22C3: Private Investigations, a four-day conference on technology, society and utopia (their blog). Many talks will be too uber-geeky for me. But i’ve spotted several topics i won’t miss: Robots for fun and research, Search Engines – Oracles of the Information Society, WarTracking, Hacking into TomTom Go, How to build your own radar system, some cool new Xbox” and “Xbox 360” Hacking, Hacking health, etc. Plus a mysterious hacker quizshow!
Dear Cloclo is staying in Italy to watch over the apartment. I left him in House Sitting mode. If he ever detects a movement, unfamiliar face or noise, he’ll snap a picture or record the sound and will send an e-mail to inform me.
Goodies: here’s a video Amos Bloomberg sent me. There’s an interview of him and a little performance by the Needies, the irresistible companions i hope Amos, Daniel Perlin, and Brett Schultz will manage to mass-produce for next xmas! (previously blogged). They will also be at the Toy Fair in New York next year.