Flower speaker

Ikebana art gets technotrendy!
Music Bird Corporation has developed the “FLOWER SPEAKER Canon”, a technology to make sound come out of flower arrangements.

“Canons” use flowers as oscillation boards of speakers. The magnet and coil of the oscilatting part are contained in an acrylic tube, which in turn vibrates when the oscillation section does. Flowers touching this tube will also vibrate. Since sound is emitted from the petals and leaves, the setup functions as a directionless speaker.

The basic type is made of a vase containing the oscillation section and acrylic cylinder; it operates off an exclusive amplifier with circuitry specifically aimed at effective presentation of “flower speaker” characteristics. Other models to be made available include an internal amplifier version, an FM tuner and amplifier version, and an interal power source version.

An “experimental sale” will propose the singing flowers at prices ranging from about 5,000 yen (37.13 euros) to 50,000 yen (371,3 euros). The device is aimed at business uses., but a consumer-level product development is planned.


From TechJapan, via El Mundo.