The truth behind the label

Next to the installation of the Corporate Fallout Detector, by James Patten, (it was great fun to test it and you could choose to switch it on the “dirty” or the “un-ethical” mode) there’s another project tackling the same concept of inviting shoppers to be more critical and raise the awareness of what lurks behind the label of a pack of chips.

corporatefallll.jpgVisible Food, by Chicago-based artist and writer Claire Pentecost, is a semi-open website/database that allows users to search for food production information by product name, brand, parent-corporation, ingredients, toxins and ‘invisibles’. This project, currently in betaphase, allows users to retrieve or themselves load vital information on the ‘invisibles’ which impact health, labor and global trade, society and the natural environment.


Visible Food attempts to “expose the hidden costs of the globalized system that produces, processes and distributes our food. These costs are not accounted for in corporate balance sheets or in reports on national economies, but are deferred-either to the future or to people somewhere further down on the food chain.”