Dutch ideas

I’ve just received the press kit of the Graduation projects at the Design Academy in Eindhoven. I’m still reading through the material and burning my eyes on the 50+ photographies. Reluct has followed the event closely but here are some more snippets:

For adults only, by Jan Beltman, is a vacuum cleaner disguised as a small, four-wheeled toy tank. A radio control box turns vacuuming the room from a tiresome chore into a game.


Jeroen Wesselink’s Flocomachine is one of the most unexpected piece of design i’ve read about for a long time. In each house with a central heating system is an expansion tank that should be replaced within ten years. He designed a machine allowing the owner to transform his old tank into an eccentric stool. The Flocomachine is a manually driven installation that cuts off the top of the tank. The cut-off part becomes the base of the stool, and the exposed rubber ball its seat.

Virtureel, by Jelte van Abbema, is a word processor that explores the boundaries between man and machine by ‘listening’ to the pressure of the touch. A light touch is represented by a small font, a stiff touch by a large one. In time, the letters in a text document shrivel up, a clear reference to the (non-) topicality of the text.


Because of their low voltage, the white LEDS of Techne: the secret life of circuits are harmless. The touch lamps can be switched on and off by … touching them. The lamp is carried out in heat-resistant paper that can be folded, crumpled up, or cut in any desired form. Designed by Catharina ten Haaf.

Photos 1, 2 and 3 by Rene van de Hulst. Photo 4 by Marjan Holmer.

Also among the graduation projects: Chocolate hats for autistic people, by Ann de Gersem .