Julian Opie

0jilanianop.jpgShow Time, an exhibition of Julian Opie‘s works is kicking off today at the CAC in Malaga, Spain. There’s not much information about the exhibition online but this doesn’t stop me from wanting to take the plane and visit it before it closes on March 18.

(via my only monthly addiction.)

Opie’s work is also all over Indianapolis until September 2007.

Bryan Adams rises 16 1/2 feet high in White River State Park, a sky bridge over a busy thoroughfare is wrapped with a vinyl “Christine� swimming with the fish, animated LED panels are walking with pedestrians on the busiest intersection in the city, a four-sided LED Sara is swaying her hips on an intersection near Circle Center Mall, Five Men are Waiting outside a Bank office, and 8 animals have escaped.


First image: This is Shahnoza 3.