A new episode of #A.I.L – artists in laboratories, the weekly radio programme about art and science i present ResonanceFM, will be broadcast today Tuesday 20th November at 4:00 pm. There will be a repeat on Thursday 22nd November 10:30 pm. You can catch it online if you don’t live in London.
This week i’ talking with Nelly Ben Hayoun about space science technologies, aliens and music. The designer spent a whole Summer in California to direct the International Space Orchestra. The cast of the opera is pretty spectacular. It is performed by space scientists from NASA Ames, Singularity University, International Space University and the SETI Institute. The music was composed by Damon Albarn, Bobby Womack, Maywa Denki and Arthur Jeffes. The lyrics are by Bruce Sterling & Jasmina Tesanovic. Finally, Grammy-Award winner Evan Price was in charge of the musical direction.
Nelly Ben Hayoun at the NASA Ames Research Center. Photo Neil Berrett
Filming the ISO on 6th September in front of largest wind tunnel in the world at the NASA Ames. Photo by Neil Berrett
Filming the ISO on 6th September in front of largest wind tunnel in the world at the NASA Ames. Photo by Neil Berrett
Frank Caradonna – ISO pianist and aeronautical engineer at NASA Ames Research Center
Tie at the NASA Ames Research Center. Photo Neil Berrett
One of the next stops for the International Space Orchestra is going to be Space Odyssey 2.0, an exhibition that opens on 17 February 2013 at Z33 Contemporary Art Center in Hasselt.