Agamemnon on the phone

The Agamemnon project is developping a 3G mobile application, to enhance visits of open-air archaeological sites and museums.

Once he enters the site, the visitor communicates to the Agamemnon server his profile: age, cultural background, interests, time available to enjoy the visit… The server then tailors an itinerary for him. During the visit, the user can send a picture message that the server will be able to “recognize” to send back information about the object or place. Throughout his visit, the user is followed thanks to a positioning system and the server adapts his profile according to the time spent in front of an artefact or the amount of information requested.

Besides, Agamemnon pinpoints the most beaten tracks and can thus guide the user to less crowdy path or galleries.

When he comes back home, the visitor can download from his PC all the information he had received.

Pilot tests will be organized over the next few month in Paestum (Italy) and Mycene (Greece).
