With trash and terror from Aix-en-provence

On Monday i posted an interview of Douglas Edric Stanley. I had planned to add a selection of works by his current and ex students at the Aix-en-Provence School of Art, France, but the interview was so dense that i thought it would be better to write a separate post. Here are two of my favourites, but others will follow.

Ragnar Helgi Olafsson’s Webwaste project (Prix Moebius Nordica this year) is an on-line rubbish dump that collects the trash from your own computer bin. Webwaste is collective, anonymous and open to all net users. You can look through the images, text, videos or other waste that other people have thrown away, add your own waste and take anything you like home.

And like any other waste site, it is infected by rats that feed off the trash. The algorithmic rodents eat bits of images and texts and dump them onto other waste materials.


Related: Web’s first file extinguisher, by Vuk Cosic.

Bastien Vacherand proposes to blow up his art school with the shooter simulator cyber_dardaix v1.0 (a.k.a. We Make Terrorism Not Art). The tool allows players to train to be a terrorist inside a virtual space that recreates with accuracy the real conditions of spreading fear and taking hostages at the Aix-en-Provence School of Art. Based on the Counter-Strike game (videos.)


Also inspired by Counter Strike: Arenae, A covert-observation game environment, Street art invades Counter-Strike.