Musically motivated experiences

Despite music’s ubiquity, its role as an accompaniment to other activities – marching to battle, hoeing fields, repetitive tasks in kitchen and workshop – has been forgotten. Mus~ync, by Haraldur Már Unnarsson, aims to revive that use of music to focus our attention on our everyday activities.


The Mus~ync musical interface playfully rewards you by making a ‘right’ sound when you do something ‘right’ – and vice versa.

When you perform an everyday action like brushing teeth, cooking or driving, Mus~ync reads your movements through sensors and plays music from your iPod library. False or inattentive movements, however, distort your favourite tracks; you must then correct your action, listening carefully to the music until it sounds right again.

The Musical Meal helps you to cook the perfect Sonic chicken, Jazzy Lamb, House Duck, or Funky Chicken.


Sonic Smile does way more than the Hasbro’s “Tooth Tunes“, if your brushing technique is off tune, the sonic toothbrush helps you get back on track. For example, if you brush your teeth sluggishly, the music will be annoyingly slowed down.

The Speed Navigator does something similar, but with your driving behaviour.

Music becomes the humble master we learn from.
Part of the IDII Exit show.