Roll-Oh and Perversion for Profit

Two gems from wonderful Internet Archive.

Leave It to Roll-Oh, a film shown at the New York World’s Fair in 1939, stars a domestic robot freeing housewives of their chores. It was actually a promo showing how relays and switches function in the modern automobile. (thanks Paul.)

LeaveItt1940_00013000.jpgLeaveItt1940_00030000.jpgPerversion for Profit. The propaganda film produced by financier Charles Keating in 1965 attempts to link explicit portrayals of human sexuality to a Communist conspiracy and the subversion of American civilization. The movie illustrates its claims with still images taken from various soft core porn magazines, though with some portions of human anatomy obscured by colored rectangles.


A one minute version. Related: Sex Madness to download, 1973 Disney’s venereal disease film.