Excuse me please, I’d like to phone my flower

In July, a Japanese company unveiled flower speaker, called Ka-on, a gadget that turns plants into audio speakers, making the petals and leaves tremble with good vibrations.


Well, there’s news: later this month, you’ll be able to carry on a phone conversation with a flower with a planned speaker phone model.
There’s a version that works with potted plants, and a wireless connection will soon be available for piping music to the Ka-on.

“The plant is happy listening to music,” says Masumi Gotoh, president of Let’s Corp., the company that developed and manufactures Ka-on. “Gerberas and sunflowers work especially well as speakers.”

Ka-on is also being used for concerts. Several Ka-on were planted near a bamboo grove to play music at a recent event in Japan.
Price range from $46 to $460.

From USA Today. More pictures.